Development reports

These reports are required by council, architects & building professionals for properties planned or undergoing development.

Arboricultural Impact Assessment

Tree Protection Management Plan

Declared Project Arborist

Site Supervision

The council tells me I need a Level 5 Arborist

All reports and services are AQF Level 5+ Arborist and produced in line with Australian Standards AS4970-2009 Protection of Trees on Development Sites, council overlays and local laws.

Frequently Asked Questions

Tree reports have become an industry standard and requirement for development proposals. You cannot obtain a planning permit without one.

Our team are Certificate 5 and above qualified arborists. We meet all council requirements as consulting or project arborists.

Yes. We have experience working across almost every council statewide. Our reports meet all council requirements for the planning application process.

An Impact Assessment is a tree report, prepared by an arborist for the purpose of development. Put simply, an Impact Assessment is a compatibility report, considering your proposal and existing trees. Depending on your council or location, this may include: Your trees, neighbouring trees within close proximity of your development, and/or council trees.

  1. Council does not want their trees damaged due to your project. Most common concerns are new driveways (crossovers), or demolition/construction access.
  2.  Council does not wish to approve a construction proposal that may see your/neighbouring trees damaged or destabalised. This could draw council into litigation surrounding tree decline or damage/injury where total tree failure occurs as a result of construction (e.g., significant root cuts). Our report certifies or outlines how your project can proceed without this occurring.
  3. Councils have policies surrounding tree removal for development. Each municipality has different rules stipulating which trees can and cannot be removed or constructed close to without a permit. Council planner does not know which trees are present on your property or within the vicinity. Our report provides evidence of what trees are present on the site and whether they fall within the planning framework for removal or retention based on AS4970-2009.

Where an Impact Assessment evaluates the compatibility of trees and a construction proposal, a Tree Protection Plan (TPP) is a working document to ensure trees retained remain viable during and after the construction process. Some projects do not require an Impact Assessment, but do require a TPP to obtain a planning permit. Other projects require both. We recommend you assume that your project does require a TPP, as these are becoming a standard requirement of council planning permits. You can order via our payment page.

Based on recommendations within a Tree Protection Plan, a Consulting Arborist is often required to supervise aspects of the construction phase. If you require site supervision, please order this from our payment page, as we book out quickly for this service.

Perfect, and congratulations on the development goal. For this we conduct a Preliminary Impact Assessment. This is a base, entry level report which we use to later build as a full Impact Assessment. These reports are intended to give clarity to your building options and help inform your planning process. We cover overlays, incompatible trees, protected trees, general construction advice, etc. We understand that you won’t have plans yet. Please order via our payment page.

We ultimately like to have your site survey and plans sent to us as soon as possible, as well as any documentation you may have from council. This allows us to see your proposal, approximate tree locations, etc. We need these to finalise the report. PDF format is acceptable.

A tree report is a working document. We can assess your site without plans, however to finalise the report we do eventually need them. PDF format is acceptable.

We do need to attend the site to measure the trees, assess them, take photographs, etc. We don’t need you to attend, as its pretty boring (unless you like watching trees being measured). The most important thing for us is having a clear idea of access for our team (tenants, dogs, vacant block, etc.)

We consider your project a working document, subject to changes and updates without charge until a final version is reached.

On completion, we submit the report to you. We allow our clients to submit their reports to the council, as this report forms but one aspect of many other documents submitted for a planning permit. However, we do take calls, emails etc, from council on your behalf should an issue arise. We consider this part of the complete service and do not charge extra.

Please follow the link below to find pricing for our reports, as well as the booking and payment form. We look forward to working with you, and seeing your project become a success!

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