
Trees of incredible height, spread and size

The Major Oak is a remarkable example of the resilience and endurance of nature, and of the importance of preserving our cultural and natural heritage for future generations. It is a living symbol of England’s national identity and a source of inspiration for people around the world.

The Indian Banyan tree is a symbol of longevity and stability in Indian culture, as it is capable of living for several hundred years and grows to be an imposing presence in the landscape.

The Bur Oak The Bur oak is a majestic tree native to North America. It is known for its large size, spreading canopy, and deeply furrowed bark.

Explore the intriguing history, unique characteristics, and conservation challenges of the majestic Queensland Kauri, a beloved forest giant of the Southern Hemisphere.

Moreton Bay Fig trees are large evergreen trees native to the Eastern coast of Australia, in ideal conditions, they can grow up to 60 meters!

Uncover the fascinating facts about the majestic Rain Tree, famous for its grand silhouette, adaptive features, and resilience.

Discover the top 10 tallest trees in the world and why they grow so tall, from the Coastal Redwood to the Mountain Ash. Learn about their unique characteristics and impressive height.

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