Phytophthora is a type of water mold that can cause significant damage to trees. There are over 100 species of Phytophthora, and many of them can cause diseases in plants, including trees.
Pest & Disease
Dieback is characterized by the gradual death of branches, leaves, and even entire trees. Learn about & how to manage dieback in Eucalypts.
One of the most serious threats to trees is a fungal disease known as Fusarium wilt. This disease can affect a wide range of trees, including fruit trees, ornamental trees, and even palm trees.
If you have cypress trees on your property, you may have heard of Cypress Canker. This disease can cause serious damage to your trees and even kill them if left untreated.
Tree diseases are caused by various factors, such as environmental stressors, pests, and pathogens. In Australia, there are numerous tree diseases that can affect the health and well-being of your trees.
Wood borers are a diverse group of insects that lay their eggs in or on the bark of trees. When the eggs hatch, the larvae bore into the tree and feed on the inner bark and wood.
Possums can be an adorable sight, but not when they are destroying your trees. These nocturnal marsupials have a taste for leaves, flowers, and bark, and can cause serious damage to your trees if left unchecked.
If you’ve ever walked through a park or driven down a street lined with trees, you may have noticed that some of the tree trunks are painted white. This practice is a common sight in many places around the world, but have you ever wondered why it’s done?
Citrus trees are known for their sweet, juicy fruit and vibrant green foliage, which add beauty to gardens and orchards worldwide. However, in recent years, a mysterious and deadly disease has been wreaking havoc on citrus trees, causing widespread tree death in many citrus-growing regions.
Finding a worm in your apple is bad enough, but finding half a worm is even worse! Light Brown Apple Moth (LBAM) and Coddling Moth are common pests that infest apples, pears, quinces, and grapes.