
From deep-reaching taproots to delicate feeder roots, understanding how these underground networks function is key to ensuring the health and longevity of your trees. Learn how to prevent root damage, promote healthy growth, and manage common root-related issues in your landscape

While the Yellow Gum tree, Eucalyptus leucoxylon is widely known as a small-to-medium Eucalypt variety, this is not always the case.

One of the few trees to survive the nuclear blast at Hiroshima in Japan in 1945 was a Yellow Box, Eucalyptus melliodora.

Early settlers in the USA discovered the Walnut tree growing in mixed forests from Canada to northern Florida and west through the plains. Timber from this tree has become a worldwide favourite and is highly sought after.

These beautiful and stately Angophora trees are renowned for thick clusters of white flowers in Dec, Jan & Feb, attracting insects and nectar lovers.

Embark on an exploration of the Silky Oak, a fascinating native of the Australian east coast. Delve into its origin, captivating appearance, intriguing facts, and the care it requires.

Discover the intriguing world of the Brittle Gum, a unique Eucalyptus species with a powdery white bark and a knack for snapping unexpectedly.

The name comes from its dark red resin, known as dragon’s blood. Dracaena trees have a unique appearance, the shape of an upturned umbrella.

Eucalyptus rubida – Candlebark Gum. This tough character has formed a reputation as one of the country’s hardiest Eucalyptus trees.

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